The Trunk

Advocacy, Networking and Awareness

  • Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums and Annual Conferences.
  • Promotion of TV shows to showcase green projects.
  • Published media showcasing the green space.
  • Social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and more, to promote the green space.
  • Inter-school science competitions, literary and debate on the green space to reward and encourage Young Ambassadors.
  • Conservation and Bio-diversity: Parks and resorts, wood recycling, vegetation, etc.


  • Debt: On-lending for green portfolio through financial institution partners, commercial papers, debt notes and bonds
  • Equity: Co-funding green opportunities with structured instruments e.g., Venture Capital Funds, Provident Equity Fund, Ethical Funds, IPO and Direct Equity
  • Investment Channel: Green Financial institution Partners: Commercial Banks, Merchant Banks, Mortgage Banks, Microfinance Banks, Finance Companies, Asset Management Firms, Fund Administrators as VCF & PEF, FinTech companies
  • Investment Sectors: Renewable Energy Projects, Waste Management and Recycling, Agric/Agro-Allied/Forest Management, Manufacturing Transportation and Logistics, Real Estate, Water Management
  • Inter-school science competitions, literature and debate on the green space to reward and encourage Young Ambassadors.


  • Innovative Research and Development
  • Science and technology products to advance the green space through grants

Social Funding

  • Women Enterprise and Community Development
  • Green space projects that aid women employment and community development projects


Our club sees a sustainable world especially in Nigeria

The PGC concept provides value, growth and efficiency through advocacies, investment, grants and social funding in projects

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